Right Questions Community

Welcome to the Right Questions Community (RQC)

It’s a space where we can share learning, questions, and stories as we practice the art of questions in guiding communities as they move forward with their complex challenges, opportunities, and dreams.

The art of questions is based on the principle that a core difference between fourishing and stuck communities is the quality of their questions.

When it comes to creating a future different from the present or past, the right questions get us somewhere and the wrong questions keep us stuck.

There are several ways to engage in this community:

– Share some of your favorite right questions and the stories behind them
– Share resources about the power of questions in making more flourishing communities possible
– Share questions you have about the practice of right questions in guiding communities

We will be hosting workshops and story sharing events to make shared learning in this space possible.

We are better because you are here.

Entry conditions

This community is open to anyone participating in the Strategic Doing Network.

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