Adaptive & Innovation Management Strategies (AIMS) – Open Community

AIMS is an open Strategic Doing community for leaders in organisations responsible for dealing with major disruptions and complex challenges such as climate change, technological transformations, and globalisation.

This community supports leaders from large and medium-sized organisations in private, public and non-profit sectors who seek to establish a collaborative approach for strategy design and implementation.

Such organisations can be described as socio-technical systems, which are complex and combine social and technical systems. Interactions between social systems (such as social structures, norms, and roles) complement and shape technical systems (such as technology and infrastructures) and vice versa.

Dealing with major disruptions and complex challenges within socio-technical systems requires the co-creation of changes in cultural, social, and environmental processes, in addition to technological changes. Addressing these challenges is a complex and long-term process, in which dominant practices need to be replaced, adapted, or invented. Strategic Doing is a powerfully effective methodology to use as the framework for this type of change process.

Grounded in over 30 years of practice and incubated at Purdue University 15 years ago, Strategic Doing has a proven track record of guiding socio-technical systems transformation. It’s a replicable, scalable, and sustainable process for designing and implementing such transformations more effectively and efficiently.

In the AIMS community, we will explore how this is done. We will look at use cases, learn from peers, and invite participants to share their own challenges and experiences in socio-technical systems transformation.

Join this leading-edge community and gain new insight on how to make organisations more effective and efficient for the benefit of people, planet, and stakeholders/shareholders.

Entry conditions

1. We follow a core rule of civility in our community. Our purpose is to accelerate our shared learning. We commit to behaving in ways that build trust and mutual respect. 2. We adopt a “no selling” rule for our community. Do not use this community to sell products or services. 3. While the community will share intellectual property, it is up to the IP owner to enforce any restrictions on IP use. We agree to make ownership of IP appropriate. Without any limits, we assume that all sharing will attach a Creative Commons Attribution, No Adaptation, Non-commercial license.

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Past events

22/04/2024 17:00 Europe/Brussels 15:00 UTC

Adaptive & Innovation Management Strategies(AIMS) Open Community Monthly Talk- April 2024

AIMS is an open Strategic Doing community for leaders in organizations responsible for dealing with major disruptions and complex challenges such as climate change, technological transformations, and globalization. Join us for this monthly session where we explore the socio-technical system transformation.

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